Chaotic Good?
Chaos; a state of disorder, uncertainties, and of unexpected results. Often, chaos is negative as many people like order. However sometimes chaos is a good thing and necessary, even in the obvious form of burning buildings and explosions, though not very often. Where ever chaos exists, systems are rendered mostly useless, giving rise to revelations about those systems. Whether it’s, “hmmm, perhaps we should prepare in case the house does burn down,” or, “geez, maybe we should have treated our peasants better so this wouldn’t happen,” there can always be a point to be discovered in said chaos because chaos is almost always is a result of flaws within a system that allows for said chaos to happen or invites chaos. As I said, chaos can be good. Technically, the marches Martin Luther lead resulted in chaos. Roads and building were blocked, police dogs barking, people screaming, tha...